
Simcenter 3D: Тепломассоперенос в Simcenter 3D

• Анализ возможностей модулей NX Advanced Thermal и NX Thermal

• Тактика работы (работа с многослойными материалами, задание свойств)

• Краевые условия задач теплопереноса и сложного теплообмена

• Основные инструменты задания краевых условий

• Массоперенос в тепловых задачах

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To design is much more than simply to assemble, to order, or even to edit: it is to add value and meaning, to illuminate, to simplify.

Simcenter 3D: Тепломассоперенос в Simcenter 3D

Payments works seamlessly with any Salesforce application or data model, be it your out of the box Sales Cloud or custom application.

Work with every app

Payments works seamlessly with any Salesforce application or data model, be it your out of the box Sales Cloud or custom application.

Simcenter 3D: Тепломассоперенос в Simcenter 3D

Payments works seamlessly with any Salesforce application or data model, be it your out of the box Sales Cloud or custom application.

Work with every app

Payments works seamlessly with any Salesforce application or data model, be it your out of the box Sales Cloud or custom application.